Sophisticated Vehicles today are connected with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and many more apps making our lives easier, safer and more comfortable.
Technology is rapidly advancing in the automotive space to meet user’s demand for convenience, also making vehicles susceptible to hackers, opening them to vulnerabilities and malicious attacks. As convenient as smart cars are there is a need for improvement in vehicle cybersecurity. cybersecurity vulnerabilities could impact safety of life, as vehicles are connected to everything technology, hackers can exploit it and gain access to vehicle controls and driver’s data.
The automotive cybersecurity is dynamic and changing rapidly. Attackers are stepping up their activities to include ransomware infections, data breaches, phishing attacks, and corporate espionage activities. Hackers are more attracted to automotive industry as it holds vast amount of data. In April,2019, Toyota Motor Corporation lost data of 3.1 Million customers.
Hackers have more opportunities than before as we have more internet-connected vehicles and autonomous, self-driving cars.
Some Common attacks are:
·Brute-force attack
·Ransomware attack
·Phishing attack
For early detection and Mitigation automotive industry is adopting a comprehensive and systematic approach to develop a multi-layered security approach for vehicles. Developing end-to-end solutions ensuring the highest possible security, security by design in-vehicle and cloud-based solutions etc.