Threat actors are using phishing emails to target and install malware in company systems. Malicious emails mentioning corona virus that appear to be from institutions like CDC are sent in an attempt to get users to open the mail.
According to cybersecurity firm Proofpoint Inc., which is monitoring the activity, the number of malicious emails mentioning the corona virus has increased significantly since the end of January.
Hackers seek to take screenshots, list files and directories and download files by tricking the users to open RTF documents. Once the user opens the document, the malware can destroy, block, edit, copy or delete data from the targeted computer network. It is reported that attackers are using rich text format or RTF that contain macros script to install the Emotet Trojan malware in the device.
Hackers are trying to exploit this global pandemic through phishing attempts and false domain names.It is recommended to be cautious about opening email and files received from unknown senders and also to be cautious of look-alike domains that are fake websites.